Card Tarot Sacramento

2420 J St
Sacramento, CA 95816
United States

24 hours

Clairvoyant vs. Psychic Mediumship Readings – what's the difference? 
Both options are just so, so good. Clairvoyant readings are visionary or future-focused. Curious when a promotion at work is going to come through? Want to know when you'll meet "the one" or if your ex is going to come back?
A Clairvoyant Psychic has the answers. An online medium reading is all about spirit. A real Psychic Medium will channel messages from loved ones who've crossed over and share deep wisdom from ancestors. We also have Psychics who are Clairvoyant Mediums (woah!) who use their gift of foresight and connection to spirit to provide advice and predictions from your guides, guardian angels, and lost loved ones. 
How A Real Psychic Medium Connects to Spirit
From sight to smell to sound, a Psychic Medium is a master of intuitive senses. While they all have their own practices, some may use a mix of metaphysical gifts and divination tools to channel info from the other side.
Some Clairvoyant Mediums may use the gift of clairvoyance to see and use these visions to describe a spirit’s appearance or an object such as an article of clothing that validates their presence. Other authentic Psychic Mediums may use the tool of clairaudience to hear the voices of the deceased.
Call us at (916) 2314345.
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