Image to Excel converter

Image to Excel converter
236 Dukes Parkway East
San Jose, CA 95117
United States

Have you ever wondered how to calculate important data, such as ratings, financial forecasts, or any other numeric information, if it is in a photo or a raster image format? It happens that we need to take some pictures of a table on a whiteboard or scan old catalogs and records for further statistical research. For example, a long time ago I worked with a local firm and did a basic financial analysis of its business activity. Since there were no digital records and scanners in the office, I was forced to take photos of balance sheets and retype them to Excel manually. After a few weeks of struggling, I found a suitable way of converting an image to .xls, and it saved me 80% of the time. Luckily, nowadays, a plethora of options have become available.

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