Led by Dr. Rahul Malya, 210 Wisdom Teeth provides affordable, quality oral surgery care to the San Antonio community. Our doctor-owned practice offers personalized wisdom teeth removal, dental implants, tooth extractions, and more. With over 12 years experience, our skilled dentists utilize the latest techniques to perform even complex extractions gently. We customize your treatment for comfort, safety, and optimal outcomes. To maximize relaxation, we provide nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and IV sedation options. As an accessible local business, we accept most insurance plans and offer discounted rates for uninsured patients. From your first exam to follow-up, our caring team provides the information and compassionate service you deserve. Trust 210 Wisdom Teeth for expert, affordable oral surgery care.
We specialize in wisdom teeth removal, dental implants, tooth extractions, and other oral surgery procedures. Dr. Malya and our skilled dentists utilize the latest techniques and technology to perform even complex extractions gently and efficiently. To maximize your relaxation, we offer sedation options including laughing gas, oral sedatives, and IV sedation.
As a doctor-owned local business, we understand the importance of accessible dental care. We accept most major insurance plans and offer discounted rates for uninsured patients. Our goal is to provide the expert care you need, when you need it, at a cost you can afford.
With over 12 years serving San Antonio, our team has performed thousands of oral surgery procedures. We customize your care based on your medical history, needs, and preferences. From your initial exam to your follow-up, you’ll receive compassionate service and the information you need to make informed choices.
Trust 210 Wisdom Teeth for your wisdom teeth, implant, and oral surgery needs. Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment!