Directory Pricing

Single Listing Pricing Plans
Basic 30 Day Listing $0.50
Basic 30 day listing includes a link to your website, 3 photos, a telephone number, a short paragraph about your company, and an email address.
Basic 5 Day Listing $0.00
Basic 5 day listing includes a link to your website with photos. 
Front Page 1 Year Listing Best Value $3.85

Package Features: 1 year of service for up to 1 Featured listing. Includes your logo, telephone number., 10 photos, email address, a description of your company, 4 bullet points to highlight your company’s specialties, strengths, or USPs (these may also be hyperlinked to different pages on your website), a coupon code, a 30-second video clip, and a link to your website.

(appears before non-featured listings).
Front Page 120 Day Listing $2.85

Package Features: 120 days of service for up to 1 Featured listing. Includes your logo, telephone number., 10 photos, email address, a description of your company, 4 bullet points to highlight your company’s specialties, strengths, or USPs (these may also be hyperlinked to different pages on your website), a coupon code, a 30-second video clip, and a link to your website.

(appears before non-featured listings).

Front Page 30 Day Listing $1.00

Package Features: 30 days of service for up to 1 Featured listing. Includes your logo, telephone number., 10 photos, email address, a description of your company, 4 bullet points to highlight your company’s specialties, strengths, or USPs (these may also be hyperlinked to different pages on your website), a coupon code, a 30-second video clip, and a link to your website.

(appears before non-featured listings).

Subscription Pricing Plans
1 Year Multiple Front Page Listing Subscription Plan $4.85
Ideal for businesses that want the utmost outreach across the board. Package Features: 1 year of service for up to 3 listings. Includes your logo, telephone number., 10 photos, email address, a description of your company, and 4 bullet points to highlight your company’s specialties, strengths, or USPs (these may also be hyperlinked to